Mark Trail
Mark Trail Music
"Yes, we can put "I got what I am" on MTM30... Ernie was a very talanted artist, i really enjoy his music.. He has touched the lives of many with his music.. hope all is well, smile and have a great day! :o)mark
Estelle Bunn
Web-Country DJ
"Hi Ernie, many thanks for your CD and Bio. Nice bright material. The title of track one would also fit many australian men, they also like their beer. Will be giving it some airplay. Thanks again!
Lientjie Bayman & Rodeo Girls
Line Dance Group
"Hello to the TEAM OF WIR RECORDS! THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the award, I did not know that we were going to receive this, and it is very nice surprise. Many greetings, Lientjie and The Rodeo Girls,
South Africa
Crazy Joe
Contry DJ
"Hello Team of WIR! Thank you very much for this unexpected award!
I hope to get soon more of your Country Music Artists, this maybe singers, authors or composers. Yours "Crazy Joe"
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