NEW: Ernie's heritage: "WANTED" - The final CD with unpublished songs of Ernie Oldfield!
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> Solitude Acoustic Jam - His Belly is full of beer (MP3) - Ernie Oldfield


61 x Internet Gold

Great Success to ERNIE OLDFIELD
"Say Hello" has reached 4 million Klicks "Bread and Beans" climb to the first Million
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Ernie's Remembrance of his Childhood Days
Gary Cooper's Influence on Ernie Oldfield
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Final Dance at the Line Dance Convention 2011 in Salzburg/Austria:
Jacky Joker by Ernie Oldfield
Ernie Oldfield on air

Elio Ippolito
Cover Singer
"Thank you for your Award. I have sent and seen the blog of Ernie so I know who was the man, the known singer and more abt his life and what you are doing to remind all Ernie did during his life. I am proud now to be one of the Ernie followers. Meantime I hope to hear again you and improve by my side other songs. As you were informed by me my records are home done and nothing else. I love Country, Jazz, Blues and Frank Sinatra. I live in Genoa, I was born in Genoa, Italy in 1950. I‘m retired since two years and I love music also classical and I feel myself an American guy since I was a boy, but like Salgari every dream stay here in Italy and never seen my beloved America. These songs are my dreams and so I sing them for this reason, giving me my style of life.... Ciao Aufwiedersehen and... SEE YOU LATER ...... ELIO IPPOLITO"

The Country Startpage
> www.countrystartpage.com
"Hello, thanks for sending us ERNIE OLDFIELD´s CD! I added the album to the promotion links of The Country Startpage. You will find it on the left of our site under "We proudly Promote" Normaly we place a link to the artists site and a link to a site from witch the album can be ordered, but I couldn´t find any of them so you can mail them if you want and we will add it also. I hope you will let us promote some other albums in the future. Sincerly, Johan"

Friend of Ernie´s songs
"Hi Ernie! I´m a 29 years old guy from Iran. I´m here to say something: Some days ago one of my good friends died in a car accident, he left his wife and his two beautiful sons alone... it was hard and sad moment!! Just today I was searching google and very accidentally found your very very beautiful and heart touching song The Sad Moments... I came to your very pretty site and I shocked that you left and went to heaven...... I want to present your song The Sad Moments to my friend´s family and also to your family...... God Bless Your Soul and My Best Wishes for Your Family.(Sorry for my bad english).....Ardeshir, Tehran, Iran"

Ruth and Per Larsen
Stevns Lokal Radio
"Hey, thanks so much for your cd "Ernie Oldfield" we have præsentert in Country-time..... Yours country frends, Per "

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